CBD oil has already made its appearance in the field of cancer treatment. Studies have been conducted on both animals and humans. The former revealed a reduction in the tumors which spread cancer. The latter looked into the possible role of CBD in managing and reducing the pain which is an after effect associated with the treatment of cancer.

During one of the studies, an attempt was made to use CBD oil in the form of a spray. The spray was used in the mouth. Along with CBD oil, the spray also contained opioids. The initial result showed a positive outcome, however, more studies are needed to confirm the combined effect of these two.

Future research

There is a common agreement among the researchers that the use of CBD oil is definitely an effective way of controlling pain in the body. The studies conducted till now point towards the potential benefits of CBD oil.

It can be claimed that CBD oil offers a pain relief treatment to patients which is free from any form of dependence or intoxication. Although, until now, it was the CBD oil which has been tested, some researchers are trying to find other forms of CBD which they feel might be more effective.



CBD Oil for Pain – Cannabidiol for chronic Pain