December 07, 2018
CBD Companies Prepare For Hemp Legalization In Farm Bill
Despite the delay in this year’s farm bill, one thing is clear: hemp and hemp-derived CBD is likely to become federally legal in the U.S.
Hemp, CBD and the FDA
Sen. Mitch McConnell has advocated for removing hemp from the list of Schedule I controlled substances in the upcoming farm bill.
This is a hemp plant cut down at a University of Kentucky farm near Lexington, Ky. In 2014, North Dakota's Agriculture Department launched a research program to help determine whether industrial hemp could be a viable commodity in the state. (AP Photo/Dylan Lovan, File)ASSOCIATED PRESS
He championed for the provision in the 2014 bill that distinguished industrial hemp from marijuana, based on tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content. This made it legal to grow and study hemp through agricultural programs and universities.
Industrial hemp is considered any part of the cannabis plant with no more than 0.3 percent of THC on a dry weight basis, according to the National Law Review.