Corey Johnson opposes Health Department’s CBD ban

The leader of the City Council said Wednesday that he’s considering legislation to overturn the Health Department ban that prevents restaurants from adding CBD to their food and drinks.

“I think this was an overreaction,” Speaker Corey Johnson said Wednesday.

“I want to hear what the Health Department wants to do to correct this given the science, and if they refuse to do so, the Council is willing to look at this issue legislatively.”

The Health Department stunned restaurant owners last month when it said CBD — a legal non-intoxicating marijuana extract — could be added to anything they were serving.

Enforcement is scheduled to start on July 1, with fines beginning at $200.

Johnson pointed out that the product is legal.

I think the Health Department should come up with some regulations that make sense for CBD,” he said.

“What medical professionals have said is CBD in small doses in food products is not harmful – and does not even get people high, that there’s a medicinal quality that can help with anxiety and other health benefits.”

Agency officials say the popular hemp plant derivative skirts existing laws banning restaurants from putting additives in their meals and drinks.

Mayor de Blasio has yet to take a stand on the issue and his spokesman, Eric Phillips, said Hizzoner is still “reviewing” the agency’s ban.


Sorce: NY Post