If you have ever tried any THC product you know one of the after effects can be the munchies. Yes, this is a well-known fact, when you gather around with your friends and try to relax and chat over a puff of smoke, you know that you will immediately reach for the nearest bag of food soon after the chat. Let’s add another fact to this; apart from THC, there is another cannabinoid which can incite such sessions of hunger in your body. It is CBD, also known by the name cannabidiol. It is another form of cannabinoid which can help trigger a food craving in your body.
Today there are many people who have to undergo certain discomforts when it comes to body weight and appetite. In such scenarios, the intake of CBD prove useful?
What are the characteristics of CBD?
CBD came into the limelight and began to be noticed very recently but has been used from some time now. We have had many former pro athletes tell us they have been using CBD since 2002 and some even before that. Patients who were suffering from seizure attacks were able to find a cure through the use of CBD and this news made the way for the recognition of CBD as a medicinal aid. To cite a more specific example, CBD became the center of attention with a CNN documentary. The documentary showcased the life and struggles of a small child called Charlotte Figi. She suffered from a disease known as the Dravet syndrome. After she started taking CBD, since 2013, she was able to effectively bring down the number of seizure attacks that tormented her periodically.
Cannabinoids are of different types and CBD is just one of them. Each of these different types has its own unique effect on a person’s body. The source for obtaining these various types of cannabinoids is the cannabis plant. Another interesting fact is that the endocannabinoid system of each human being reacts in a different manner to each of these cannabinoids. Among the number of researches conducted to prove the efficiency of these cannabinoids, CBD has emerged as a successful contender for treating a number of medical discomforts.
In the year 2017, a study was published which proved to be the supportive factor that declared CBD to be an effective cure that aids epileptic seizures.
The far reaching advantages of using CBD has yet to be brought to light, but researchers are doing their best to confirm this reality slowly and steadily.
How does CBD help in obstructing appetite loss?
The immunity system and homeostasis are two factors in the human and animal body that are affected by CBD. When a patient undergoes some treatments like radiation and chemotherapy they can experience an increase of inflammation. Along with this, the patient may also undergo oxidative stress which can severely affect even the healthiest cells in the patient’s body.
Some studies have seen that when a patient is taking CBD to counter the above-mentioned after-effects the efficiency of CBD in this particular area was show to increase by a 2 factor from the study published in 2011. Not only is CBD a antioxidant and neuroprotectant, it also has a patent. CBD, as a patented product, has uses when it comes to calming the nervous system in a human’s body. As the nervous system is calmed down, cases of appetite loss can be affected. Appetite loss is controlled when the firing signals are slowed to some extent and the digestive tract is calmed down.
In 2011, a study was conducted on a sample group of animals. The study brought out the anti-nauseating quality of CBD. Such a quality is present in CBD because it has the ability to create a link with some receptors present in the human brain. Such a link can restrict the sensation of vomiting and nausea while using CBD.
The availability and dosage of CBD
Since research has progressed to a very great extent, the availability of CBD as a medical drug is an easy task. The drug has been qualified as a potential cure by many nations. Consequently, many patients can heave a sigh of relief as CBD is being made available to them through many well-known organizations like Pacific CBD CO.
If you suffer from a loss of appetite, then CBD is the essential drug for you. Appetite issues may be caused either by sickness or by some other causes. In any case it is also good to visit with your doctor, CBD can be taken by the patient in different ways. The best-suited method can be decided by the doctor based on the specific needs of the patient. One way in which CBD can be taken by the patient is in the form of CBD oil. The advantage of taking CBD in the form of oil is that it starts its work the moment it touches the tongue of the patient.
The patients can access CBD in other forms like strains, vapor, capsules, and chews. These varied forms help doctors in the process of prescribing medicines as they can do so keeping in mind the patient’s requirements.